What is Care Credit?
CareCredit is a health and wellness credit card designed for your health and wellness needs. It's a way to pay for the costs of many treatments and procedures and allows you to make convenient monthly payments. CareCredit is accepted for Vision Care, Cosmetic and Dermatology Procedures, Dentistry, Veterinary, Hearing Care and other specialties.

How do I apply for Care Credit?
You can apply by phone at 1-800-677-0718, live agents are available from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. or online anytime without impacting your credit bureau score. Once you have CareCredit you can use it over and over (subject to credit approval) for you, your family, and even your pets without reapplying, as long as you have available credit.
Some of the ways you can use care credit with us
Routine veterinary​
Annual Check-ups
Teeth Cleaning
Care of chronic pet diseases and conditions
Dog Chemotherapy
Pet food and nutrition
Veterinary Surgery & Emergencies​
Spay and Neutering
Emergency Services
Surgical Procedures Hip
Dysplasia Surgery
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